Sunday, December 27, 2015

Waving Goodbye 06: Jack of Diamonds

I went down to the Sibyl’s cave to have my fortune read.  She was very good, all business. I crossed her palm with silver, as they say, and she started the reading.  The first card was the Five of Spades.  “Ah yes, disorder.  That’s you.  That’s your situation.  It’s all of us.”  Then she turned up the Wheel of Fortune. The blue sphinx and the red jackal. The Sibyl was quiet for a long time and I wanted to make a Vanna White joke.  Finally she said, “Well the Wheel is turning, that’s the thing to remember.  When it’s right side up, good fortune, when it’s reversed, disaster.  What it means for you…very hard to say.  If you can tell which way it’s moving, you can see it turning and win any play.  But sometimes you think you can see which way it’s moving and you’re wrong.  That’s the worst.  Very bad.  Now this one…aha.  The Queen of Clubs.  That’s, well, I don’t know if that’s in your future or not.  It never hurts to hope.  And then the Hanged Man?  Sweet boy.  Very good to see indeed.  Some say he’s the martyr, some say he’s the little bird in the tree who was killed with a shot. It’s very surprising to see him here anyway.  Now this one…Jack of Diamonds.  He brings the news, do you understand?  The door is open, but then it will close.  You’re the one who will have to decide.”

I understood. I walked to the door. I jumped.

Jack of Diamonds lyrics
Tracy can check my Tarot references for accuracy

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