Thursday, February 18, 2010

On Measurement

Did you ever feel like you were a subject in a lab that all kinds of scientists were measuring with all kinds of rulers and scales, and think to yourself, 'If you would all just give me a minutes' worth of peace, I might be able to invent a ruler that could measure myself.' Of course, it would not serve any purpose in the measurement of any other person, but I had no interest in that anyway, at the time of the thought. I am not sure when it happened.


JimPreston said...

But if you just want to know where the blues come from, then you just have to come to this place here, because this is where they come from. Right about here, right in this spot, right now. yep. mm-hmmm

Bud said...

I could tell you something that would break your heart but I'm not gonna. It's breaking mine already.

JimPreston said...

My first guess is that you have to move to Boston. Hang in there.

Bud said...

No. Not that. It's the ongoing fate of the 'rents, and how helpless I am in the face of it.

JimPreston said...

I was hoping that your answer would be 'Firestone, you are better than anyone ever thought you were.', but I was not actually expecting it, because, of course, you're relocation to more proximal climes would not be a personal heartbreak for me, as such. But I did have to take a guess.

As to the greater question, 'helpless' is often the only alternative to aggressive, unpleasant, costly, and painful interventions, for which there are rarely instruction sheets. In any complicated situation, I will always make an effort to care, I can assure you.
peace out,