Saturday, July 28, 2007

Not forgetting your favorite well-mannered boy: the singer!

Let's hear it for the singer, ladies and gentlemen


Bud said...

Great "Mephistopheles" look. I forget where the lovely jumpsuit came from. Hell, undoubtedly.

J Blood said...

It came from the same place as my Boumi jacket and the Ragazzi smocks and, indeed, as Dr. Starr: the Goodwill. For truly did Kany say, "Nothing in the world can be conceived which could be called god in itself except the Goodwill."

J Blood said...

Er, Kant I mean. You know, the groundwork for the metaphysics of morals.

JimPreston said...

If you, or Mr. Kant, for that matter, happen to find one of those babies in pink, please send it to Washington with a moron in it. COD, PDQ, QED, etc.

See you next week. We arrive in Oakland or some such place on the 6th.

J Blood said...

I donated my jumpsuit to the Smithsonian, or maybe I gave it to Cathy Randall. I think Kant's jumpsuit was powder blue; Friedrich's of Heidelberg still carries them.

You should have my phone number and e-mail; let me know when you'll be where and I'll se if I can ditch work and/or band practice.