Sunday, August 20, 2006

Monsoon Flower

... the "sticky" feeling on your finger is the clutch of hundreds of tiny harpoons, each on the end of its own little thread...
- Richard Dawkins' "The Ancestor's Tale"


Anonymous said...

Welcome home, I guess! I certainly didn't see such a blossom in Duxbury, although the landscaping there in general was quite tasteful, in an anal-retentive sort of way.
We just got back from Deep Creek, where we checked out the under-construction artificial white-water kayaking course being built at the top of a (small) mountain. Looked like a fun project, although hardly a national priority.

Fine thanks, and you?

Bud said...

Welcome home indeed. Felt good to return to my city of heaps. Don't quite understand why but I like it here. It's been raining daily for the past three weeks so all the heaps and piles and dogs and crows are wet.
It was great to be with you and Annie in Duxbury - strange place to meet, but why not? I really like Annie, she's a neat person.
I've got to get Mira away from the TV now and on to algebra.
Much love