Friday, August 04, 2006


Is his name because he's long and pointy.

His cry is piercing - yet pleasant.

He dives right into the heart of everything.

Sometimes it seems like he's trying to crawl up my nose.


JimPreston said...

Nice kitty.
johny are you getting my mail?
I'm at jim_l_preston at Does tha cat like spam?

J Blood said...

Ah, the pointy face, the long tapered body, the unmistakable blat and the insistent, willful temperment of the Siamese. Our Mingus is a black Siamese mix with all of the above characteristics. Arrow's a cutie!

Bud said...

Sweet fellow. Our cat, Peppo, is on vacation in the countryside where he's survived a snake fight and a couple of falls. Our guess is he won't want to return to the big city, but may have warn out his welcome with his uncle.

Anonymous said...

Your Kitten is so cute. I love cats too. I have a big orange and white fluffy cat. We saved him from the SPCA.
Cats are the perrrrfect pet.