Monday, September 02, 2013

Christmas Special: What If It's True?

'Twas early morning Christmas Eve and I was less than fresh
I stumbled by a church and laughed at the plastic crèche
And even though I riduled the crazy manger scene
Still part of me was wondering what it all could mean

What if peace and justice really come from above?
If life has a meaning, and that meaning is love?
If a kind word can triumph over force of a fist?
What if that's the reason why we humans even exist?
What if we take seriously the words of Doctor King?
What if "Amazing Grace" isn't just a song for Aretha to sing?
What if we paid attention to Mahalia and Sam Cooke
Bach's St. Matthew's Passion and Dostoevesky's books?

I mean, what if it's true?
It seems unlikely, but what if it's true?
It makes as much sense as most things do
I don't know, what if it's true?

I'm no one to talk about salvation, I'm just about the worst
My friends would only laugh if I'd say the last shall be the first
If somebody hits me I'll give them a smack
I'm not going to smile and say please could you hit me back?
I don't love my neighbors, I can barely stand 'em
I won't turn the other cheek, I'll just strike out at random
But what if there really is more to life this:
Eating, drinking, scratching, snoring, belching and a piss

So what if it's true?
It  seems unlikely, but what if it's true?
It doesn't seem like anyone else has a clue
You never know, it just might be true

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