Monday, January 17, 2011

Loosely adapted from Sonnet 55:

A statue that’s erected for one madman’s dreams
Can yet be torn down by U.S. marines
While there’s this song
You’ll last beyond
The statues that are built for kings and queens
Oh we can climb
Outside of time
While there’s this song

The mighty heroes who are now forgotten
Their great ideals and all the wars they fought in
We have this song
But they are gone
Their bodies in the ground, unmourned and rotten
Oh we can climb
Outside of time
While there’s this song

The great men in their tombs and mausoleums
Their portraits gath’ring dust in the museums
Can’t last too long
They have no song
For them there is no more of “carpe diem”.
But we can climb
Outside of time
While there’s this song


Bud said...

this begs a lyric reply, coaxing it but not coming yet

in the meantime enjoying "ghosts within", as per your recommendation if I remember correctly

Bud said...

I found you sweeping
the factory floor

Came in your palm in your

Revel in each atom

Now I have technos
A reflection a dream
Me swimming naked

Sing my song silence

Like water rush
On skin
When you glide in