Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We're having  a moustache-growing contest at work.  I can't say that I'm likely to win, but it's an honor just to compete.  Mine has reached the caterpillar-under-the-nose stage.


Bud said...

Whoa ... watch that shit!
Had a Johnnie-spotting incident today here in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Was crossing the "quad" of the American International School and found myself staring a familiar Johnnie face in the face. Even her name, in garbled fashion, sprang immediately to mind, though I didn't really know her at St. John's. She was trailing a group of what looked like kindergartners along the red brick path -- and I stops dead in my tracks and blurt out "You went to St. John's!" "How did you recognize me?" "You look exactly the same!"
Sure enough it is Page Collingwood who is teaching at the school along with her husband, Peter (also a Johnnie, but I didn't really recognize him -- was in the Class of '83, was a Febbie, has lost his hair). We said we'd try to get together for dinner, but it might not work out. I'm here with Indi for a soccer tournament in which Jai's playing.

JimPreston said...

On a related note, I have been working on using some St. John's and other connections to gain employment as an algebra teacher at Duke Ellington High School for the Arts in DC. Surprisingly enough, most of the students were unaware that quadratic equations are best understood in the context of radical performance art.

I'm trying to place Page Collingwood, but it isn't working. I trust she has avoided any mustache competitions.

J Blood said...

Wasn't there the Jane Austen-ly named Eloise Collingwood a couple of years ahead of us?

J Blood said...

And how come it's called the quadratic equation when there are only three co-efficients? Is that 4 vs. 3 the very ambiguity that needs to be addressed by radical performance?