Thursday, December 04, 2008

Something Else

You know what's a great song? "Love Me Till The Sun Shines" is a great song. I also just realized that "Harry Rag" is British rhyming slang for fag = hodie ringdad. Or did everyone else in the world but me already know that?


Bud said...

If memory serves, David Watts is the lead off tune -- a personal favourite: "Shfa, Shfa, Shfa, shfa, shfa, shfa, shfa, shfa". Also the maudlin 2 Sisters, and I think my favourite on the LP: End of the Season.
I had read the thing about Harry Rag being rhyming slang for cigarettes. Sort of good to know but doesn't really matter -- want one no matter what it is.

JimPreston said...

Are you talking about kluppes, cuz it is late and I am running low. I don' know about the music. Watched the French version of Amerian Idol a couple of nights ago and am thinking of checking into rehab. Uncle Meat's place has an open bed, I believe.

J Blood said...

Ah ouais, kluppe (j'aurais dit "cloppe", c'ect pas tellement francais, la lettre k) ca fait longtemps que j'ai pas entendu ce mot la. Ah, c'est bon ca, kluppe.