Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I've been coughing so much my diaphragm is sore and it hurts to roll over in bed.  The frog in my throat feels like a Scarlet Crapaud.  Yesterday I had the cold sweats which nonetheless did not make me feel any closer to James Brown.  I'm a little worried because the Maggies will be recording our new pirate-themed LP on Sunday.  But I'm trying to keep a cheery spirit in keeping with the season.  Better to be sick in Berkeley, I suppose.


JimPreston said...

Sounds nasty. Hang in there.

Bud said...

Funny, I've had something of a sore throat and a cold this week as well. It's due, I'm told, to the change in weather, which creates an "inversion" effect. The manifestations of which are cooler mornings and evenings and a lot of dust and smog. Feel I'm getting over it. No pirate album to record but would like to feel better for the "holidays". We'll be visiting Mary and John in Geneva, Steven in New York, and finally Gabriel and family in Panama. My godson there, Samuel, will be 17, Mira 15, and Steven 49. Time marches on.

JimPreston said...

Let me know when you're going to be in NYC.