Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Actress Margaret Whitton?


JimPreston said...

(Johny? and) I met Ms. Whitton a couple of years ago at a reunion. She was very nice, and quite energetic. Warren, as you can well imagine, always conducts himself with great discretion. The last time I saw him, he discussed his passion for bridge. I, personally, found it bizarre that someone with his level of corporate responsibility would even consider spending the kind of time that is necessary to excel at it. I spend way too much of my own time beating myself up for all the stupid, or just careless, mistakes that I have made in my life, but I remain eternally thankful that I haven't spent the last 20 years in the company of a bunch of Wall Street suits. Talk about coince (with an accent egu)!!

J Blood said...

"Moth to the flame"? "Gore the ox"? I thoght business ran on sports metaphors. ("He may have thought he had the cards he needed in his hand, but clearly didn't'' clearly doesn't qualify, though it is appropriately heavy-handed.)

JimPreston said...

Brief e-mail correspondence with Coss yesterday. Alive in Georgia, with family. I told him that you all are good.

Bud said...

Funny you mention Killer. He came immediately to mind when reading about Warren's potential political career. In fact, I think we all may be able to bring our unique talents together to help make him governor, senator, president. Can I play the James Carville role?

J Blood said...

Funny YOU mention the Killer and politics: I had already suggested to him that he run for President next year. Republican or Dem, he's still better than anything out there. I suggested he reprise his "Stern measures are called for" slogan, and offered my "I'm not going to vote for him, maybe you should" endorsement.

James I learned a couple of (supposed) Arabic to Spanish derivations: The word for river, I'm told is wada, thus the Spanish prefix of guada-, as in Guadalahara or Guadacanal. I was also told the "ole'" comes from "w'allah", that is to say, by Allah. Perhaps you can confirm.

JimPreston said...

Well, Mr. Brunner, I would strongly suggest that you check with your wife before signing up for the Carville role. Given that Coss has so far been used as an actual commander instead of as a spokesperson, I doubt that he is really preparing himself for a political career. I doubt that Warren has any real interest in it either. He goes to a lot of events and gives people money already. I think he prefers Bridge tournaments.

Indeed there are a fair number of words in Spanish from Arabic. Usually things that have been around for a while, like soap and rivers. I'm no expert. I am not sure if the w'allah - Ole connection is real or mythic. I need to find a conversation partner and some children's books pretty soon. Those are required for the Firestone Technique. And wine, plenty of wine.