Monday, November 14, 2005

Autmn reading

It's finally autumn here. Even my crazy upside-down tomato plants, which had leaves but no fruit in July, were producing on my birthday. The summer's so unpleasantly hot here--how unpleasantly hot is it?--that I have to wait till after dark to walk the dog, and there's only a couple of months on either side when it's pleasant and not raining and still light so that I can walk the dog after work. With Daylight Savings Time ended and the fog and rains begun, that season is officially over, so I've started my Serious Back-to-School reading: Thucydides. It was the first seminar reading I didn't finish and I figured it was time to catch up. I think I re-read Herodotus once, and found him as cheerfully digressive as I had the first time, but 28 years later, Thucydides is still kind of slow going. I wonder if Jimmy ever finished The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

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