Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A Fast Fun Dream

(The situations in this dream do not necessarily reflect the conscious opinions of the dreamer. All characters are elements of the dreamers psyche, and any resemblence to anyone we all know is purely coincidental.)

7/4/05 I am playing a reunion show with Fast Fun. A fairly large crowd has gathered before the show, although the club is set up so that the stage and the crowd are in several separate rooms on different floors, which makes it hard to see the audience at all. Getting ready, I feel good about the show, but when we're about to go on stage things immediately become very disorganized. Johny comes in with a new song, adding it to the set at the last minute. And getting on stage takes an interminably long time, it seems like we’ll never get started. The crowd becomes restless, I’m afraid that many of them are leaving, even though they wanted to see us. I’m tuning my ukelele, James is wandering on and off stage. Everytime I think we’re all together, someone else is missing.

At last we begin, but not with a song, but a feeble, disconnected jam. Peter leads on the guitar and sings some listless wail. The crowd mills, circling toward the door. I manage some intense feedback with the uke, but it is not enough to bring life to the sound.

Eventually we stop and resume the disorganized fiddling with strings and stands and set order. Someone in the crowd says they can’t see why we were supposed to be so good. I get frustrated and start saying things like “ let’s go, let’s play,” and “when are we going to start?” every couple of minutes. Peter gets mad, saying something about how I don’t understand “true art” and “real creativity.” James backs me up saying we do need to play at some point. I storm off saying, “I’ll see you in another 30 years.”

1 comment:

J Blood said...

It's nice that you got feedback from the ukulele. Since you were playing (and even tuning) it instead of the drums, does that mean you've been practicing in your waking life?