Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Another Fast Fun Dream

7/27/05 Jimmy is visiting, and so is Johny. I’m not sure where we are. Jimmy is casually playing an acoustic guitar. Johny leaves for a moment. I ask Jimmy if he brought his electric guitar. I’m thinking he might have a little amp with him, too. But, he says he didn’t bring it. Johny comes back and says he wishes we could get high. I have some pot, but Jimmy has some right there. We smoke out of a little pipe, kind of like mine. I think about how I’ve been saying that I really need to smoke pot all the time again. It seems like it might help my mood. I say that I’ve been wanting to get a bong, but there are no head shops in Northampton. I guess I’ll have to look online. I’m trying to light the pipe, but I’m having trouble with my bad thumb, I switch to my left hand, but still can’t light the lighter. Then, when I stop trying, it lights itself, I light the pipe, wondering how I will put the lighter out since I’m not holding the thing down.

1 comment:

J Blood said...

The dreamer would like to capture the spark of creative imagination, associated with playing in a band and getting high. She doesn’t smoke her own pot, though, since Jimmy has some right there, or use her own pipe, but rather one kind of like it. Her thumb, tool of techne, is “bad”—perhaps, too, the dreamer is remembering Paul Thompson’s injury that kept him off the last Roxy Music albums. But the spark cannot be controlled like a Bic lighter; no one knows when it will come or when it will go away.