Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ode to the Inclined Plane

The inclined plane is so simple. 

It’s like math made visible.

I guess that makes it physics.  

Look: if you have to lift an object 

straight up, that’s a 90° plane. 

Make it easier, construct 

a 45° plane.  

Still too hard? 30°.

15°. Find your angle.  

Small angle, less effort! Oh,

but more time spent pushing.  

Large angle, short path.  But 

what if you could reduce 

the angle to almost nothing?  

Very little effort needed but

unending path.  Poor Sisyphus, 

it turns out he made the wrong wish. 

The work must be done, anyway.  

Less effort, and the path never ends; 

short path, and you have to keep pushing.

The work is always there.

Incline the plane and make your choice. 

Some people lift and some people push.

It’s a matter of inclination.

Either way, the work must be done.

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