Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Hear No Evil

The sounds at night. The sounds I hear at night.
I hear—I do not hear—I hear a tune
The silence and the song is what I hear.
What I don’t hear is you. I don’t hear you.

I hear no—
I fear no—
I hear no evil

I dream of how we’d walk out through the hours
I’d hear: click clack. The ticking. Then it stops .
When I look you’re not beside me. You’re gone.
Still I catch your footprints on the sidewalk

I hear no—
I fear no—
I hear no evil

You’re gone. The song goes on. The song is gone.
No chords. Not even notes. Perhaps just urges.
The silence and the song. But what I want
I want right now. The darkness. Silence. Perfect.

I hear no—
I fear no—
I hear no evil