Monday, December 05, 2022

 Jimmy, I'm sorry I forgot your birthday.  I hope it was filled with cheer.


Bud said...

Thanks! To quote Firestone: "It's great to be alive!" Though pretty fucking weird. I celebrated with my father, John, in Pully. Had fondue for dinner. Offered a bottle of wine to the stalwarts of the Direction of Jeunesse Pully having their year-end office party next to us. In return, they offered me two verses of Happy Birthday, first in French, then in English. Heartwarming.

J Blood said...

Sorry I wasn't there. Fondue is always nice. I hope you had some Valaisanne with it. Juenesse Pully singing seems pretty nice, and being alive is downright great. Here's a story about the trial I was on for my birthday (and most of November):

It's quite lurid, probably a book/podcast/Netfix series in the making.