Sunday, July 03, 2022


I also wrote this one for him.  (Ned Stone = Philip van Ouse.)

Yesterday we wept

Tomorrow we will fight

But let there be no tears,

No anger on this night

And even if tomorrow is

The day the world ends

Tonight there is still time enough

To celebrate our friends

Though I am not a believer

And barely an agnostic

I do believe in this union

Of Van Ouse & Tomasic

Tonight there is no room
For the fear we all have carried

Tonight there’s only room for joy

For our friends who’re getting married

Don’t rise up from the table

Don’t turn away the cup

Tonight all sorrow’s chased with joy

Tonight we’ll drink it up

Though I am not a believer

And barely an agnostic

I do believe in this union

Of Van Ouse & Tomasic


Bud said...

I like them both, poems that is. Where will/did the hitching occur? Were you there? Provide musical accompaniment?

J Blood said...

August 7 in Pittsburgh. I'll be there and some version of the Mad Maggies will be playing (like a greatest hits band at the county fair.)

Bud said...

Ah, Pittsburgh. I spent a couple of summers there once as a youth, before the steel mills shut down. Can never forget the bleary orange haze of the summer sky.