Monday, September 21, 2009

Songs for the New Depresssion: My Bubble Burst

I thought that you and I could build an empire
That no one else could stop us, we’d be first
I thought that we could look down on the entire
World, but now I found my bubble’s burst.

I had it all planned out to perfection
So we could live our lives like we’d rehearsed
How could I know you’d take another direction?
I know too late and now my bubble’s burst.

I never thought that it could be all over
I never thought that you would want to bail
I thought our lives would just be spent in clover
I thought we had to be too big to fail

And now I am a man without a penny
Living on a crust and on a curse
Of all the things I love, I haven’t any
Too late for me, ‘cause now my bubble’s burst.


Bud said...

The sky's a desert, grim and remorseless
I perish from insatiable thirst
I fucked up, I admit it, I confess
But where were you when my sweet bubble burst?

JimPreston said...

A man can be bereft and near dismembered,
yet still possess a stellar gift for verse.
So if it helps, I hope that you'll remember
it took some wind to make that bubble burst.

Bud said...

I cannot deny I got what I longed after
Why can't my fate be like Patty Hearst
She gets paid now to bring people laughter
It helps to have a rich dad when your bubble bursts

JimPreston said...

Oh, blame the father! That's a quick solution,
when upon your head there falls a curse.
Was it the plan, or faulty execution
that made the bubble simply have to burst?

J Blood said...

Oh once I played in a Swiss rock-&-roll band
And we made all the ruckus that we durst
Now nothing much remains of that whole band
Our star has fallen and the bubble burst

Bud said...

This tale may we trace to original sin
Who can say if Adam or Eve was the worst
Standing there naked and drooling and foolish
O God how I wish that their bubble'd not burst