Thursday, June 04, 2009

Those who rely on this space for Robert Wyatt updates may be interested to know that the Orchestre National de Jazz has released an album called "Around Robert Wyatt".  They are a Carla Bley-ish French little big band who play mostly older songs, sung with funny Maurice Chevalier acccents, but the Maestro himself does sing on a few originals.  It's a little hit-or-miss as tribute albums are wont to be, but well worth the listen.

After reading "Paradise Lost" and some of Blake's longer poems last year, I've jumped into Wordsworth's "The Prelude".  It's a little slow going, but I quite like it and find it much more engaging than that Lucy Grey crap I remember from high school.

1 comment:

Bud said...

Thank you for the RW update.