Thursday, January 18, 2007


The Castro Theater in San Francisco will be showing “The Holy Mountain” and “El Topo” this weekend not, as could be wished, as a double bill but on separate days. When “El Topo” played in Geneva there was a Fast Fun outing with Jim Henry that I could not attend because of Landwehr practice, and I have never been able to locate either film on video or DVD. However if I don’t have band practice on Sunday I should probably go visit Grandma, and then there’s also a Lubitch retrospective at the Pacific Film archive in my new hometown. Decisions, decisions.


Bud said...

Enjoy. I found both on Japanese DVD. Have lent them to an acquaintance here who is an independent film director (not Bollywood), who had never heard of Jodorowsky!

JimPreston said...

I am a complete ignoramus when it comes to the world of film, so I don't have much to offer here. I saw Pan's Labyrinth with my daughter Jessie and her friends over the weekend. I think Jim B. would like it for the language, the weirdness, and the anti-Franco sentiment. Probably a little over Jai's head.

J Blood said...

I saw "El Topo" on Friday but went to visit Grandma on Sunday instead of catching "The Holy Mountain". I could totally imagine seeing a Jim Sorrentino screening of "El Topo" up in the catwalk behind the projector. I had a chance, by the way, to see "Fata Morgana" on the big screen again a few years ago; still as charming and as nonsensical as it seemed on the first viewing.

terrimoto said...

Both are also playing this weekend at the Brattle.

Did anyone else see "Santa Sangre"? I saw it years ago, but now I can't remember anything about it (like many of the films we saw on the catwalk).

JimPreston said...

Just for your info, Jim Sorrentino lives a few blocks from me and is still as weird as ever.

Bud said...

Best remember the frogs versus toads fully-costumed re-enactment of the Conquest of the New World in Santa Sangre. Can't remember which were the conquistadores and which were the natives though.