Monday, January 09, 2006

So cool!

Not only is the NSA tapping any and all overseas phone calls, but apparently Homeland Security can open any packages sent through the mail. You know that Tom Ridge must've been, like, the biggest Brothers Twain fan in the whole world!


Bud said...

Which do you think is his favourite tune? I bet he likes "Tough Row to Hoe". I do.

J Blood said...

If he shares his boss's wife's fondness for Mary Higgins Clark he might like the part that goes "All my friends could be enemies/ And my neighbors could be secretly/ Making plans with which I don't agree".

Bud said...

Maybe we should perform a personal message to Tom. A love song?
I've got a couple, sort of, in "pre-production" but not sure they fit the bill. Will try to send you them soon.