Sunday, November 04, 2012


My wife
            with the dimple on her scrollwork
            with the smell of spruce and rosin
            the small of her back that vibrates
            as gently as a sound post
And her little f-hole

My wife
            her tongue a run of eighth notes
            arpeggio eyelashes
            allegretto fingers
her thighs two even half notes
And her little f-hole
And from somewhere within her
There beats a hidden metronome
A rhythm that I can’t quite capture
The ocean, my own secret home

My wife
her breasts a bit rubato
her navel a fermata
her cleft is like the moment
            between the up-bow and the down-bow
And her little f-hole

With thanks to Man Ray and André Breton's "L'Union Libre"

Friday, November 02, 2012

Let me be the first

To wish you happy birthday, Johny.
It's just past midnight in the departure lounge. Was hoping to write you a rhyme about all the gifts I wish you had, or I had to give you, or you had to get, but inspiration fails. So I'll settle for taking advantage of living half a day ahead of you to wish you all the best, first.