Saturday, April 02, 2011

Today's House

For you, special price:)


Bud said...

Looks good, I've been looking for something like this for my mom to live in ... but in Switzerland. Don't think I can get financing in the US. How much would a bank give in the US?

JimPreston said...

Anything over 417K is a 'jumbo' loan with different conditions. It isn't really in a senior singles neighborhood and it's a big, high-maintenance house for one person, or two(like me and Jess). I wish you the best of luck with Mary. I'm sure it is very hard. When are you coming to NYC? I'm off to Philadelphia this weekend to see Annie's Farm!! Can't wait. Now that the house is done, I can feel the freedom coming on
Night Sky, Hold me Tight!!

Bud said...

Bringing Mira to college towards the end of August. Must meet then, by hook or by crook.

JimPreston said...

No problem about August for me, unless I have moved to Vietnam for my new job (cultural translator and driver for the Vietnamese business and political elite).

( queue 'My Way' :)

Bud said...

The role you were born to play.