My blind and disabled friend Pat the Peacewalker and I brought our message of large pink tricycles and happy smiles to Takoma Park, Maryland's annual fourth of July parade. The weather was nice. Jessie marched with the swim team, and Ellen and Annie helped fill out the audience.
Well, alright!
Also, in the end of an era department, you'll have noticed that Bozo the Clown and Jesse Helms both died this week. Is that the end of one or of two eras?
I was unaware of Bozo's demise. May he both rest, and tricycle, in peace. As far as eras go, I think that both of theirs had already ended some time ago, although the basic principles of both racism and benignly degenerate sclerotic humor do seem to still have some currency. I can't actually remember Bozo's appeal, or even his theme song.
Bozo, Bozo
Always laugh, never frown
Bozo, Bozo
Bozo the Clown
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