Been traveling with Mira and Jai without much access to the web for the past three weeks. So greetings from Switzerland (not much snow, but we ski-ed anyway). Saw Mary and John too, who are pretty well in Geneva. Saw Matti in the Bernese Oberland. Also got fogged in in London for 3 days - which was fun: losing control (of my schedule). Guess it would have been a bummer if the children hadn't been with me. Regarding 2006 reading, I'm sorry to say that I never made it past Volume 2 of Gibbon, but did very much enjoy Dawkins' "The Ancestors Tale" and a book called "The Red Queen" by Matt Ridley about sex, genes, and evolution. Finally, "Cutty, One Rock" was very nice and very reminiscent of some of my growing up in Joi-zee.
Love on ya, as Dame Bowie used to say. (Speaking of which, Mira got turned on by Lou Reed's Transformer at a New Year's Party so I got her the CD -- makes a papa proud.)
"Transformer" reminds me of being 15 years old and sitting with "Make-up" cranked on the strereo, trying to learn the tuba part. Christmas in Switzerland reminds me of buche cake, one of which I saw at our favorite local bakery, tho' I didn't buy it. Glad to hear that John & Mary are pretty well in Geneva. "Ain't it sordid how life goes on", as the man once said. All of which reminds me that Juliana and I were trying to remember the name of your pig-neighbors in Zurich (would that be "schweinenachbar"?). I was thinking they were something like Ed and Fred, something American and rhyming, but couldn't quite get it.
Ed and Fred they were, rest in peace.
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