Wow, beautiful and Ig-worthy. Everything but the peanut butter.
You know speaking of torture and performance, I've long been struck by the resemblance between the masked victim at Abu Graib and that world-consuming conquering swine without a conscience, Pa Ubu. Maybe if I'm in DC sometime we can do a performance of Pere Ubu in the 21st Century (and invite Iggy).
I forgot to mention that we have a waterboarding demonstration planned for Jan. 11 at the Supreme Court, in case you might be in the area, and in need of a dip. I have not yet been waterboarded, but we have a practice scheduled for next weekend. Photos of another action we did are at www.peaceactionmc.org/torture.html. My friend Pat, who was cropped from the other picture "Takes the Leash" in the phot there. He was screaming and stuff, it definitely upset the civilians at their breakfast.
Naked and screaming, that's the way my baby likes it. I suspect that, as with classic Spartans shows, the performances are often cut off early?
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