Love is comic
Anarchic and anomic
Love is hilarious
So funny, so precarious
Love is tragic
Grotesque and anthropophagic
Love’s Grand Guignol
With a mad king and mad queen role
Angels laugh
When two lovers kiss
And suddenly their hearts beat faster
Demons laugh
When the whole show turns to
Horror and to disaster
Is it catharsis?
Is that really what this farce is?
How can we know?
On with this tragic vaudeville show!
Anarchic and anomic
Love is hilarious
So funny, so precarious
Love is tragic
Grotesque and anthropophagic
Love’s Grand Guignol
With a mad king and mad queen role
Angels laugh
When two lovers kiss
And suddenly their hearts beat faster
Demons laugh
When the whole show turns to
Horror and to disaster
Is it catharsis?
Is that really what this farce is?
How can we know?
On with this tragic vaudeville show!