This song is the result of 1) hearing a Beatles A-Z show on an oldies station and realizing I don't having any songs whose titles begin with K, Q, U, V, X or Z and 2) playing online Scrabble.
We know X is for xylophone
And X is for X-ray
But since you left me I have learned
Some new words of the day:
X is for xerosis, which is abnormal dryness
X is for King Xerxes, who was a Persian highness
X can be for xu, a coin one-hundredth of the dong
X is for xylem, that moves nutrients along
X is for xanthochroid, with light skin and light hair
X can be for xenon, used for a flash lamp or a flare
X is for the xyster, with which you can scrape bones
X is xenophobia, to which small minds are prone
And X is for you my dear
For there can be no doubt
That you remain the ex
That I cannot x out.
X is for xenogenesis, when baby’s unlike his kin
X is xeroderma, a dryness of the skin
X is for xerography, from which we get Xerox
X is for the xenocryst, a crystal found in rocks
A little word that starts with X is the Greek letter Xi
Used sometimes in physics or in a fraternity
Mrs. Socrates, Xanthippe, had a name that starts with X
And X is for xylophagous, wood-eating insects
X is for you, I know you know
What I am talking about
For you remain the ex
That I cannot x out.
And X can be exalt, exhort
Exemplary, exahalation
Exchange, excise, excite, exclude
Or excommunication
X can be for Xanthus, a city in old Lycia
X can be for lots of things, well you get the idea
A kiss or hidden treasure are often marked with an X
And X-rated means, Oh boy! There is hot sex!
X is for you, upon
My honor as a scout
For you remain the ex
That I cannot x out.
We know X is for xylophone
And X is for X-ray
But since you left me I have learned
Some new words of the day:
X is for xerosis, which is abnormal dryness
X is for King Xerxes, who was a Persian highness
X can be for xu, a coin one-hundredth of the dong
X is for xylem, that moves nutrients along
X is for xanthochroid, with light skin and light hair
X can be for xenon, used for a flash lamp or a flare
X is for the xyster, with which you can scrape bones
X is xenophobia, to which small minds are prone
And X is for you my dear
For there can be no doubt
That you remain the ex
That I cannot x out.
X is for xenogenesis, when baby’s unlike his kin
X is xeroderma, a dryness of the skin
X is for xerography, from which we get Xerox
X is for the xenocryst, a crystal found in rocks
A little word that starts with X is the Greek letter Xi
Used sometimes in physics or in a fraternity
Mrs. Socrates, Xanthippe, had a name that starts with X
And X is for xylophagous, wood-eating insects
X is for you, I know you know
What I am talking about
For you remain the ex
That I cannot x out.
And X can be exalt, exhort
Exemplary, exahalation
Exchange, excise, excite, exclude
Or excommunication
X can be for Xanthus, a city in old Lycia
X can be for lots of things, well you get the idea
A kiss or hidden treasure are often marked with an X
And X-rated means, Oh boy! There is hot sex!
X is for you, upon
My honor as a scout
For you remain the ex
That I cannot x out.