A little while ago I saw a revival of "Nymph Errant", a Cole Porter play from 1931, and I thought of an update of that kind of musical: "Occupy 42nd Street". A producer looking for fresh faces goes out to Zuccotti Park and meets a lovely young protester. She agrees to be in his show, they fall in love, everyone sings lots of songs. You know.
This is what I came up with as an opening chorus. And James, before I present this, what news from Occupy Silver Spring?
Drop your schoolbooks and your bong
Come join the march and sing our song!
We’re on the move and can’t be swayed
You don’t need a list of demands
Just grab a bullhorn, join the band
Democracy is on parade
Tell Mr. Goldman and Mr. Sachs
We’re on our way and won’t turn back
No, my friends, we’re not afraid
No need to be a socialist
Just a sense of being pissed
Democracy is on parade
The president, he feels our pain
We’re all in the same boat
He’ll help when the election’s won
So don’t forget to vote!
Well that’s thoughtful Mister President
We really give our thanks
But we can’t ask you to leave behind
Your good friends in the banks
Is freedom just the opportunity
To buy a new hi-def TV?
What kind of country have we made?
Let’s build up our neighborhoods
A good life, not consumer goods
Democracy is on parade