Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Today's verse Dec.. 31, 2009
Worse than Bukowsk, perhaps,
those who couldn't even be bothered
to write it down, about the bluebirds and
the other stuff, but hey!
I'm just saying that you are going to value some
different stuff along the way
no matter what you say
So I can say that if you can give me the time of day
then I would be a man who would stand in the way
and say
that I am the only man who is here today
and if you would like another man then
That's OK.
cuz I was only here
Friday, December 25, 2009
In the Spirit?

Here's Annie's latest card design. She was inspired at an early age by Peter's work. While we are not planning a career in patristics at this point, she is keeping her options open, while studying the urban environment and community arts (I think it means that you know how to paint a mural next to the community garden, but it is similar to patristics in that it is all Greek to me).
On another topic, the girls and I spent a little time yesterday reading the liner notes and lyrics from the Brothers Twain album. We all felt the love.
Joyeuse....., and all that
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Today's Verse: 22 December 2009
To be
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Today's Verse: 10 December 2009
I'd like to know what brought it
Was it transient like a passenger
Or did it have a goal
For which it vanished beneath a bench
That runs along a wall
Acknowledged, by avoiding, me
I respected its need for discretion
I can't think of everything
I'm cursing cause I lost it
Maybe the boss
At a cost
Bears a cross
Inside's soft
Wherever he is the boy is scared of serpents
Though at home he lives in comfort
Cause he believes he is free
From sudden lunges and sibilant surprises
When traveling a sneaking suspicion awakes
That he may not be entirely safe
I can't think of everything
But the boy may just have something there
Maybe I too should take care
The unseen snake's
Silent steady intent
I've seen a newborn puppy plays underneath the hedgerow
Who'll raise the whelp to bare his shiny fangs in an agreeable grin
To winningly sport and ingratiate
Readying to sink them deep in
Love or hunger
Any way appetite
I can't think of everything
It's morning and I gotta go
About my business
Just like everyone I know
Selfless in pursuit of self
It's in my chromosomes
A diaphanous fold of phlegm floats above
Rising on visible currents of warmth
Blissed out on its own beauty and menace
Patient and only apparently passive
Like a sigh of the inevitable
Wonder what it makes of me
I can't think of everything
I'm sorry I lost it
Lost it completely
I was feeling the pressure
In the grip of the vice
Crushing my spirit
Vexing my mind
I'm sorry I lost it
Now I'm just fine
Monday, December 07, 2009
Songs for the New Depression: It's No Fun Being Poor
It’s really quite a bore
It’s not as much fun as some people think
There’s no glamour, there’s no glitz
It’s pretty much the pits
It’s no fun being poor, it kind of stinks
I thought that I could be like Garbo in Camille
But when my tummy’s rumbling it’s all too sadly real
The worry’s made me ill
Can’t afford a doctor bill
It’s no fun being poor and that’s for sure!
It’s no fun being poor
No money for the grocery store
I’ve had Top Ramen three nights in a row
Can’t stand KM&C
Guess it’s beans and rice for me
It’s no fun being poor and I should know
Not going out to restaurants is what I find the hardest
I don’t think I was cut out for the life of a starving artis
tBefore I give up the ghost
I’ll have mayonnaise on toast
It’s no fun being poor and that’s for sure
It’s no fun being poor
The landlord’s at the door
Saying he’ll kick me out on my caboose
He says that he’ll evict me
But no jury would convict me
For spending my last few bucks getting juiced.
Mother Theresa may have taken a vow of poverty
It made her loved by millions but it won’t make a saint out of me
Being poor’s no joke
Bumming your last smoke
It’s no fun bring poor and that’s for sure!
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
While we're on the subject of alternative headgear
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Songs for the New Depression: Papa Stay and Fight
And told me plain and clear,
“Son, you know my time has come
I have to move from here
Though it breaks my heart to say it
I fear I must take flight
I cannot stay here on the farm.”
I said, “Papa, stay and fight.”
He said, “The land has turned to dust
And there’s no grass or grain
And though all day it thunders,
There’s hail instead of rain
The livestock is all starving
And stricken down with blight.
I cannot stay here on the farm.”
I said, “Papa, stay and fight.”
He said, “The water’s noxious now
There’s nothing left to drink
The creek here runs as red as blood
The fish died, and they stink
The sky’s covered with locusts
The day’s as dark as night
I cannot stay here on the farm.”
I said, “Papa, stay and fight.”
I said, “Papa, we Auerbachs
Have always worked this land
We’ve built the house and barn
With our hard-working hands
We’ve suffered and we’ve struggled
And toiled with all our might.
The farm’s your home”, I said to Papa.
“You must stay and fight.”
He said, “My body’s swollen
And covered with boils and sores
It’s time to cross that river
To a home on the other shore.
And there I will be healed and whole
And bathed in gentle light.
It’s time to go, I can’t stay here.”
I said, “Papa, stay and fight.”
Friday, November 20, 2009
Toy Piano
Ended bleakly
No brass band
And no soprano
Out of tune and
Playing weakly
Tinkling on a
Toy piano
Our song still plays on….
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Today's Verse: 17 November 2009
my mind
slipped just
out of reach
then out
of sight
forgot it
On the edge
Around the periphery
Obscured by rocks
In shadows
Glimpse movement
recognize it
the instant
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Peter and Jim, thank you for the kind birthday wishes. You make an old roundhouse man's eyes fill with water. I had a delightful Election Day weekend: Juliana took me to Yosemite National Park, where the schedule was more or less the following: early afternoon, hiking; late afternoon, drinking wine; evening, reading Moby Dick. It could only have been improved by the company of old friends.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Happy Birthday Johny!
From morning until night
That pleasure and fulfillment tell
The story of your life
I hope your noble spirit soars
Through depths to breathless heights
Encompassing the earth and more
Exulting in its flight
I wish that I could be this day
In your cherished company
To wonder at the way we are
And how we came to be
Though far away, you're in my mind
Your presence I perceive
First Jim, now you, have crossed the line
What next shall we conceive?
Half a Century
our thoughts begin to tend
towards how we may support ourselves
when colder days descend
At half a century
through spectacles we look
and must resort to stronger ones
when we would read a book
At half a century
one feels assorted aches
and some of them may have to do
with thoughts of past mistakes
At half a century
new lines on face appear
and what we've made ourselves to be
becomes a bit more clear
At half a century
old questions still remain
they rattle round and round within
a more hard-wired brain
At half a century
a friend is still a friend
and may God grant you many years
before your years shall end
Happy Birthday, Johny!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Today's Verse: 24 October 2009
There's death
Your wish
Second most dear
Close held
A burning coal
From when you're socialized
Accustomed to your place
A kernel of lust
Passionate kin
Of its creative twin
Is conditioned, constrained, controlled
The ever mounting desire to consume
Purge, annihilate, destroy
Tamed, ignored, caged
It wants out
To express its dark
To rage
A current may
Forge a channel
To a rising tide
That swells and frees it
To merge, fulfilment
In grand deluge
The tide recedes
Desire contracts
Once more enclosed
All 'round
Just under the skin
Monday, October 12, 2009
Today's Verse: 13 October 2009
It won't shut me out
I'm friends with the floor
It won't let me down
I'm friends with the clock
That sits by the bed
Its steady tick tock's
Like a poem I read
I like my friends
I like them there
Whether they know
Whether they care
I like my friends
Like them alot
Whether they're good
Whether they're not
My friendship's a railway
With weeds in between
It bisects the forest
Dark silent unseen
My friendship's a country
Of mountains and plains
It hitchhikes on highways
And wanders back lanes
My friendship's a stranger
Obscure and complete
My friendship's in danger
Exciting and sweet
My friendship's a chain gang
Partners in crime
Entangled in mischief
Imprisoned in time
I'm friends with the losers
Who lose though they cheat
I'm friends with the bruisers
Who battle defeat
I'm friends with the lovers
I'm friends with the bums
I'm friends with the others
Who leave them the crumbs
I'm friends with the nigger
Whose secret I keep
I like the grave digger
Who'll put me to sleep
The soldier the preacher
The tin-hearted whore
We've been friends for years
We'll be many more
Be your own best friend
Psychologists say
Why should I pretend
Why put on a play
I belong to our friendship
It's not part of me
Without it I'm blind
Within it I see
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Fata Morgana
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Today's Verse: 4 October 2009
And thank you johnny
You made my day
You made it funny
Amen sister ray
In darkness kneeling
Say billy gray
Say that you're feeling
After the transformation
And the fall from grace
After the criminalization
Of the human race
I know my future
Will not be blank
Though I may be crazy
Mad as a crank
You can wager on that
Take it to the bank
Cause I left the boat
Before it sank
And I spilled the drink
That Socrates drank
And I made my friends
Before they stank
I'm shouting hosannas
And offering thanks
To comfort myself
My future's not blank
Bless you uncle dick
And bless you peter
We had our kicks
Passed out in the theatre
Adieu darling jim
Vaya con dios
Outlook is grim
Forecast more of those
After the revelation
Transcendant sublime
Comes sweet inspiration
Generous and kind
And I know my future
Will not be blank
Though I think I'm crazy
Mad as a crank
You can wager on that
Take it to the bank
Cause I left the boat
Before it sank
And I spilled the drink
That Socrates drank
And I made my friends
Before they stank
I'm singing hallelujah
And offering thanks
To comfort myself
My future's not blank
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Songs for the New Depression: It's A Sin To Despair
But that’s no time to give up and say we’ve lost the fight
We can’t know what will happen, but never live in fear
Try to love your fellow man and to be of good cheer
‘Cause it’s a sin, sin, sin to despair
As long as we’re alive we have to care
No matter how bad things get
We’ll all pull through it yet
And it’s a sin, sin, sin to despair
Some folks think that they can do it on their own
Some folks can, but remember that we are not alone
When you see a man is down, know that he’s your brother
The one way that we all can win is if we help each other
‘Cause it’s a sin, sin, sin to despair
Look for that helping hand that might be there
No matter how bad things get
We’ll all pull through it yet
And it’s a sin, sin, sin to despair
Until a man’s been tested he may think that he is strong
But when faced with temptation, he can’t tell right from wrong
No man is so righteous that he knows he’ll never budge
So try to show some kindness and judge as you’d be judged
‘Cause it’s a sin, sin, sin to despair
So try to stay awake and be aware
No matter how bad things get
We’ll all pull through it yet
And it’s a sin, sin, sin to despair
Monday, September 28, 2009
Today's Verse: 29 September 2009
Repudiate touch
Repudiate desire
Repudiate temptation
I'm all for repudiation
In advance
A license to succumb
Because I believe in redemption
For those who've loved enough
Thursday, September 24, 2009
For the reunion show in Seoul ...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Songs for the New Depresssion: My Bubble Burst
That no one else could stop us, we’d be first
I thought that we could look down on the entire
World, but now I found my bubble’s burst.
I had it all planned out to perfection
So we could live our lives like we’d rehearsed
How could I know you’d take another direction?
I know too late and now my bubble’s burst.
I never thought that it could be all over
I never thought that you would want to bail
I thought our lives would just be spent in clover
I thought we had to be too big to fail
And now I am a man without a penny
Living on a crust and on a curse
Of all the things I love, I haven’t any
Too late for me, ‘cause now my bubble’s burst.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Today's Verse: 17 September 2009
I have an invitation
To visit Finland
Not sure am I
How sincere is it
I'd like to believe
Deeply truly
Love to learn
Something good 'n' eager
To delight me
In that cold still vacuum
How bad is it?
Conjure hockey vodka darkness
Mad midsummer
Naked steam frenzy
In the ice and black waters
And forests
I can see myself
Rowed to death
Chattel froze over
Voice immobile
No way out
And nowhere to go
How bad is it?
Dry here
Just dust
My bath and blanket
Frogs stopped jumping
James Brown
Resounds in my mind's
Can't tell if the thing on the wall's
Or the wind's just blowing
It to and fro
A guy's Mom's dying
Wants money and religion
I got none
How bad is it?
Well I licked the blues
Relieved myself of a great
Gone way under
All the way
Through to the other side
Alas no rest on that shore
It started to crawl
Twist and supurate
I grasp but cannot hold
Embrace but fold
What looked so bold
Now is old and getting older
How bad is it?
When you don't care
If your teeth rot
Your mind silts up
You're stained and tainted
And completely satisfied with yourself
And all you survey
You're even thinking charitably
How bad could it be?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Stern Measures Are Called For!

I have a great big "Hodie Ringdads" from none other than "Boss" Coss via Facebook. He's a Chief of Staff in Korea, now, it would appear and this link has a little more of his CV.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Today's Verse: 8 September 2009
A stranger stood
At the foot of the bed
Bare back
Face to the mirror
Waiting for the wounds to heal
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
If you're goin' to San Francisco ...
You'll be lucky to be able to see Nick Lowe on 3 October! Sharing a stage with ex Mrs. Lowe (Carlene Carter). Dave Alvin is also playing the same stage. I saw him in Zurich a while ago, good fun.
Will join you if I can find some hair to put the flowers in.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Today's Verse: 28 August 2009
Now I know it's done
Now I know how all men feel
Now I know how come
I embraced dark mystery
I was embraced in turn
Surrendered unto reverie
Then clearly did discern
I and all men are but one
Expression of desire
Variations on a theme
Embodied in a liar
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Today's Verse: 23 August 2009
Jesus answered naturally
"Son of god and son of man
I don't know who the fuck I am
Now you ask I be re-born
Once again in human form
Go to hell you selfish prick
I never died, I just got sick
And please don't ask about the kids
I'm not proud of all I did
Why should I be a better dad
Than the ones I never had
Joseph was an errant fool
And God he used me like a tool
He improvised experiments
Devoid of laughs or merriment
Try a new one for a change
I'm tired of the old refrains
Every Sunday, every mass
Jesus gets it up the ass
Where's the pleasure? Where's the fun?
Forget it man, my job is done."
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Today's Verse: 17 August 2009
To go to
A place I found
To go to
Can't hardly wait
To go to
Somewhere I love
To go to
I want
To go to
Where they know me
Where they can show me
New ways
To go to
Where I want
To go to
I'm thinkin' about
A place I love
To go to
Can't help thinkin'
About where I like
To go to
I'm on the way
Where I want
To go to
I'll soon be there
Somewhere I want
To go to
You too can go
You can go too
Where you want
Wherever you want
To go to
If you want to
I can come too
Somewhere you want
To go to
I want
To go to
Where I want
To go to
I want
To go too
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Today's Verse: 1 August 2009
Acquire talents to survive
Set up shop in any toehold
They may find
And render homage silently
To all they leave behind
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Today's Verse: 31 July 2009
Play hookey with me
Let's lie in the grass and stare up at the trees'
Let's chuckle, get excited about
Freedom and license and ease
The day seems like endless
And we're not afraid to die
That's a joke, isn't it
What do we care for the inanimate
The unfeeling, inert
We've got the whole day ahead of us
Nothing but whatever we please
Let's lie here, savour luscious memories
Of pleasure and joy and pleasant surprises
Let's lie here, intrepid, fearless
Let's be ridiculous
Come loaf with me
Friday, July 24, 2009
Today's Verse: 24 July 2009
Do you want to see
What it looks like inside me
You can't take it out
Without messing it up
But let me tell you
There's strange shapes
Packed tight and dripping
A factory of life forms
Working hard
Keeping me alive
From seed to sprout
To old, rotten lumber
I won't fall apart
I'll dissolve
Inside out
That's where I'm coming from
That's what makes me attractive
Or is it my wig
Or some hoax I wrote or spoke at dinner
Or the way I resemble your
Papa or mama
Or fuck like your brother could
I don't mind seeming someone else for you
You'd do the same thing too
Deep down inside we know
We make it up
As we go along
Taking a chance
On nothing
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
The Original Narcofood
Drum Roll of Colonial Fish: Poached mullet marinated in milk, liqueur, capers, and red pepper and stuffed with date jam, banana, and pineapple. "It will then be eaten to a continuous rolling of drums."
Words in Liberty Sea Platter: A watermelon half at sail across a sea of endive, with a tiny captain sculpted from Dutch cheese commanding a crew of calves' brains cooked in milk. "The sea and the ship are sprinkled with cinnamon or red pepper."
The Excited Pig: "A whole salami, skinned, is served upright on a dish containing some very hot black coffee mixed with a good deal of eau de Cologne."
White and Black: "A one-man show on the internal walls of the Stomach consisting of free-form arabesques of whipped cream sprinkled with lime-tree charcoal. Contra the blackest indigestion. Pro the whitest teeth."
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Today's Verse: 16 June 2009
Joy belches up
Gut solar plexus windpipe
Bursting out your skin
Chin lips shiny cheeks eye dimples
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Today's Verse: 10 June 2009
To strike
God's own son and daughter
Astride it
Making love
To a big black snake
Of fire
I'll polish the solitaire
And do a little dusting
Wonder if there's
Enough in the fridge
For tomorrow
Either the phone's always
Or no one calls
Until then
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Today's Verse: 19 May 2009
Intones I'm loving it
Old dog lies unstill
Chews steady on tough dry past
See blind mice their naked feet
Nesting in the wall
Haven't eaten anything at all
Sleeping like there's no tomorrow
Crackpot's loving it
The kid's grown up
Didn't want to be popular he thought
Can't help adoration
Real fulfillment's unseemly
Not that
Crackpot's cackling
Bring out the goats
Content friendly hungry
Days pass they die get strung up eaten
In the shade
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday, May 08, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Night Sky, Hold Me Tight !

Flying out of Amman tonight after a mind-blowing 2.5 weeks in the Arab world. Played Frisbee in the Gaza slums, rode camels around the pyramids, trucks into Wadi Rum, and horses up to the High Place of Sacrifice at Petra. Drove all over Jordan in a little red car. Got a little tired of falafel, so we closed out the dining portion of the trip at an Indian restaurant in a fancy hotel. Looking forward to Springtime in DC, but once you've been Meester Jeemee, it is hard to come back down.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Take me to the Bridge
It's not audacity
Darling I'm not audacious
It's common sensual
Dammit that's how God made us
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Let's get fucked up
Let's go and get high
Let's slip out together
Just you and I
Lets get fucked up
I don't mean to be rude
Let's tell all the others,
"Sorry dude".
Let's get fucked up
Let's leave the world behind
Sorry--please excuse us--
If you don't mind
Let's get fucked up
Let's go have a time
Let them all say that
It's just a crime
Let them point and laugh
And try to shame us
Bet they'd laugh and clap
If we were rich and famous
Let's get fucked up
Let's make a world of two
Let's go and get high
Just me and you
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Children come to see the place/ Where Abe Lincoln once said grace
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Friday, February 06, 2009
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Heard Anyone Say About A Vasectomy
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Today's Verse: 30 January 2009
Life quality index?
What to do
With the stuff that comes from the nose?
And tears?
Who advocates return to the uncomely snotrag?
Lumpy and soiled in a ball in your pocket?
Or the dainty ladies hanky?
Can't handle volume but has other uses as well, courting rituals.
It's only the uncouth regions whose indigents are blind to their deprivation
And freely honk and spray without shame or inhibition.
Yet it pains me to imagine the unfortunate tree
That lived and died to provide me a wipe.
May I not somehow return the favor?
Donate my corpse to an Arboreal Service Brigade?
I fear they'll have no need of my remains
Other than to festoon them to attract carrion feeders
Like the Parsis do.
No skin off my nose.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
100 Days
Happy Inauguration!