Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

For those of you who are just getting around to having Christmas today, or skipping it, I thought I would share this picture of the gift that Ellen had delivered to the house the other day. You don't get that many opportunities for such a shot, although it is perhaps more common in Invercargill than other localities.
 Check Facebook under James Lee Preston for more photos of Christmas Roses and other stuff.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ce que l'aino

Grab your marmites, mes amix: it's Escalalde!  Time to dress up in late-medevial garb and hit the bars!  I'm sure you all remember the song: la la la la-la-la....

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Something Else

You know what's a great song? "Love Me Till The Sun Shines" is a great song. I also just realized that "Harry Rag" is British rhyming slang for fag = hodie ringdad. Or did everyone else in the world but me already know that?